Conference on Corpus Linguistics for Spanish (CLICE 2018)

Conference on Corpus Linguistics for Spanish (CLICE 2018)

Wor(l)ds Lab has been part of the organization of the Conference on Corpus Linguistics for Spanish (CLICE 2018) in Florence (Italy). The goal of this congress is to stimulate the conversation between researchers using Corpus Linguistics for the study of Spanish. To this end, we discussed the current status of Corpus linguistics, and we shared new perspectives and approaches in the use of corpora. Besides the presentations of research projects and results, CLICE hosted workshops and demonstrations of different resources and tools.

Most of the works presented in CLICE have been published in two special numbers of the journal CHIMERA: Romance Corpora and Linguistic Studies: Vol 5, No 1 (2018) and Vol 5, No 2 (2018).


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