Invited talk by Ana Ruiz and Manuel Alcántara at the UCLM: Bias & Algorithms as seen by the Humanities

Poster of the "Seminario internacional de primavera (2023), Análisis y tratamiento de textos con herramientas digitales" at the UCLM

Wor(l)ds Lab’s co-directors Ana Ruiz-Sánchez and Manuel Alcántara-Plá have participated in the International seminar on “Text Processing and Analysis with Digital Tools” at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in the city of Toledo. Their talk focused on how social biases can be present in automatic systems and why the students of humanities should care about it.

Ana Ruiz-Sánchez and Manuel Alcántara-Plá at the International seminar on "Text Processing and Analysis with Digital Tools"